Prof. Dr. Jörg Libuda
Full publications list
Simanenko, A.; Samal, P. K.; Hubsch, R.; Skvára, J.; Yang, J. T.; Kastenmeier, M.; Winkler, F.; Skála, T.; Tsud, N.; Mehl, S.; Myslivecek, J.; Brummel, O.; Lykhach, Y.; Libuda, J., Origin of the Low Overpotential for Isopropanol Oxidation on Pt-Ru Electrocatalysts. Acs Energy Letters 2024, 9 (10), 4875-4882,, Research Data:
Eschenbacher, R.; Steffen, J.; Farrugia, K.; Taccardi, N.; Wasserscheid, P.; Görling, A.; Libuda, J., Reactivity of a model SCILL: Influence of co-adsorbed C2C1Im OTf on the dehydrogenation of dimethylamine on Pt(111). Surf. Sci. 2024, 743, 12,, Research Data:
Hauner, J.; Buhlmeyer, H.; Steffen, J.; Trzeciak, S.; Taccardi, N.; Wasserscheid, P.; Zahn, D.; Gorling, A.; Libuda, J., Temperature-Dependent Structure Formation in the Wetting Layer of the Ionic Liquid [C2C1Im] [OTf] on Au(111). J. Phys. Chem. C 2024, 128 (9), 3894-3906, Research Data:
Buhlmeyer, H.; Talwar, T.; Eschenbacher, R.; Barreto, J.; Hauner, J.; Knorr, L.; Steinruck, H. P.; Maier, F.; Libuda, J., Surface Chemistry of a [C2C1Im] [OTf] (Sub)Wetting Layer on Pt(111): A Combined XPS, IRAS, and STM Study. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2024, 16 (18), 24063-24074,, Research Data:
Barreto, J.; Fickenscher, G.; Hohner, C.; Ramos, M. I.; Annese, E.; Archanjo, B.; Achete, C. A.; Libuda, J.; Stavale, F., Structural Characterization of Mn3O4 (001) Thin Films and Their Interaction with CO. J. Phys. Chem. C 2024, 128 (36), 14972-14977,
Zhou, S. Y.; Rehm, V.; Afify, H. A.; Han, Y. F.; Korczak, J.; Szczerbakow, A.; Story, T.; Peng, Z. J.; These, A.; Barabash, A.; Osvet, A.; Brabec, C. J.; Goetz, K.; Unruh, T.; Hilpert, F.; Brummel, O.; Libuda, J.; Heiss, W., Squeezing the Threshold of Metal-Halide Perovskite Micro-Crystal Lasers Grown by Solution Epitaxy. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2024, , Research Data:
Fickenscher, G.; Sidorenko, N.; Mikulinskaya, K.; Libuda, J., Different Nucleation Mechanisms during Atomic Layer Deposition of HfS2 on Cobalt Oxide Surfaces. ChemRxiv. 2024; Research Data:
Yang, J.; Haßfurther, F.; Hilpert, F.; Hussain, Z.; Yang, T.; Taccardi, N.; Wasserscheid, P.; Brummel, O.; Libuda, J., C-C bond cleavage in the electrooxidation of 2,3-butanediol controlled by an ionic liquid modifier. J. Catal. 2024, 435, 115541,, Research Data:
Groppe, P.; Reichstein, R.; Carl, S.; Collados, C.C.; Bart-Jan Niebuur, B-J.; Zhang, K. L.; Zubiri, B. A.; Libuda, J.; Kraus, T.; Retzer, R.; Thommes, M.; Spiecker, E.; Wintzheimer, S.; Mandel, K., Catalyst Supraparticles: Tuning the Structure of Spray-dried Pt/SiO2 Supraparticles via Salt-based Colloidal Manipulation to Control their Catalytic Performance. Small 2024, 2310813, Research Data:
Bilal, D; Zhang, G.R; Baumunk, A. F.; Yang, J. T; Brummel, O; Darge, P; Dworschak, D; Mayrhofer, K. J. J.; Libuda, J; Zhou, X; Wu, M; Spiecker, E; Ledendecker, M; Etzold, B. J. M. Increasing Activity of Trimetallic Oxygen Reduction PtNiMo/C Catalysts Through Initial Conditioning, ChemElectroChem,2024, 2196-0216, Research Data:
Hauner, J; Buhlmeyer, H; Steffen, J; Trzeciak, S; Taccardi, N; Wasserscheid, P; Zahn, D; Gorling, A; Libuda, Temperature-Dependent Structure Formation in the Wetting Layer of the Ionic Liquid [C2C1Im][OTf] on Au(111), J. Phys. Chem. C, 2024, 3894-3906, . Research Data: .
Eschenbacher, R; Steffen, J; Farrugia, K; Taccardi, N; Wasserscheid, P; Görling, A; Libuda, J, Reactivity of a model SCILL: Influence of co-adsorbed [C2C1Im][OTf] on the dehydrogenation of dimethylamine on Pt(111), Surface Science, 2024, 1879-2758 . Research Data:
Eschenbacher, R; Hemauer, F; Franz, E; Leng, AD; Schwaab, V; Waleska-Wellnhofer, NJ; Freiberger, EM; Fromm, L; Xu, T; Görling, A; Hirsch, A; Steinrueck, HP; Papp, C; Brummel, O; Libuda, J, Au-Catalyzed Energy Release in a Molecular Solar Thermal (MOST) System: A Combined Liquid-Phase and Surface Science Study, ChemPhotoChem, 2024, , Research Data:
Bühlmeyer, H; Talwar, T; Eschenbacher, R; Baretto, J; Hauner, J; Knörr, L; Steinrück, H-P; Maier, F; Libuda, J, Surface chemistry of a [C2C1Im][OTf] (sub-)wetting layer on Pt(111): a combined XPS, IRAS and STM study, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2024, 16, 18, 24063–24074, Research Data:
Yang, J. T.; Hilpert, F.; Qiu, Y. S.; Franz, E.; Briega-Martos, V.; Cherevko, S.; Mayrhofer, K.; Brummel, O.; Libuda, J., Interactions of the Ionic Liquid C2C1Im DCA with Au(111) Electrodes: Interplay between Ion Adsorption, Electrode Structure, and Stability. J. Phys. Chem. C 2024, 128 (7), 2834-2843, Research Data:
Fusek, L.; Samal, P. K.; Kerestes, J.; Khalakhan, I.; Johánek, V.; Lykhach, Y.; Libuda, J.; Brummel, O.; Myslivecek, J., A model study of ceria-Pt electrocatalysts: stability, redox properties and hydrogen intercalation. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2024, 26 (3), Research Data:
Fusek, L.; Briega-Martos, V.; Minichová, M.; Fromm, L.; Franz, E.; Yang, J. T.; Görling, A.; Mayrhofer, K. J. J.; Wasserscheid, P.; Cherevko, S.; Brummel, O.; Libuda, J., Toward High-Energy-Density Fuels for Direct Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carrier Fuel Cells: Electrooxidation of 1-Cyclohexylethanol. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2024, 15 (9), 2529-2536,
Fusek, L.; Camellone, M. F.; Ronovsky, M.; Kastenmeier, M.; Skála, T.; Samal, P. K.; Tsud, N.; Mehl, S.; Skvára, J.; Dolák, T.; Uvarov, V.; Setvin, M.; Johánek, V.; Fabris, S.; Brummel, O.; Libuda, J.; Myslivecek, J.; Piccinin, S.; Lykhach, Y., Atomistic picture of electronic metal support interaction and the role of water. J. Mater. Chem. A 2024, Research Data:
Fickenscher, G.; Steffen, J.; Gorling, A.; Libuda, J., Atomic Layer Deposition of HfS2 on Functionalized Self-Assembled Monolayers on Ordered Oxide Surfaces: A Model Study under UHV Conditions. J. Phys. Chem. C 2024, 128 (2), 798-809, Research Data:
Mangoufis-Giasin, I.; Fusek, L.; Yang, T.; Khanipour, P.; Brummel, O.; Libuda, J.; Mayrhofer, K. J. J.; Calle-Vallejo, F.; Katsounaros, I., Activity Trends for the Selective Oxidation of 2-Propanol to Acetone on Noble Metal Electrodes in Alkaline Electrolyte. ACS Catal. 2023, 13 (22), 14562-14569,
Kastenmeier, M.; Franz, E.; Waidhas, F.; Yang, T.; Taccardi, N.; Wasserscheid, P.; Brummel, O.; Libuda, J., Competition of Acetone Reduction and Hydrogen Evolution on Pt Single Crystal Electrodes in the Absence and Presence of the Ionic Liquid C2C1Im OTf. J. Phys. Chem. C 2023, 127 (47), 22975-22983, Research Data:
Hemauer, F.; Krappmann, D.; Schwaab, V.; Hussain, Z.; Freiberger, E. M.; Waleska-Wellnhofer, N. J.; Franz, E.; Hampel, F.; Brummel, O.; Libuda, J.; Hirsch, A.; Steinrück, H. P.; Papp, C., Surface science and liquid phase investigations of oxanorbornadiene/oxaquadricyclane ester derivatives as molecular solar thermal energy storage systems on Pt(111). J. Chem. Phys. 2023, 159 (7), Research Data:
Eschenbacher, R.; Hemauer, F.; Franz, E.; Leng, A. D.; Schwaab, V.; Waleska-Wellnhofer, N. J.; Freiberger, E. M.; Fromm, L.; Xu, T.; Görling, A.; Hirsch, A.; Steinrueck, H. P.; Papp, C.; Brummel, O.; Libuda, J., Au-Catalyzed Energy Release in a Molecular Solar Thermal (MOST) System: A Combined Liquid-Phase and Surface Science Study. ChemPhotoChem 2023, Research Data:
Brummel, O.; Jacobse, L.; Simanenko, A.; Deng, X.; Geile, S.; Gutowski, O.; Vonk, V.; Lykhach, Y.; Stierle, A.; Libuda, J., Chemical and Structural In-Situ Characterization of Model Electrocatalysts by Combined Infrared Spectroscopy and Surface X-ray Diffraction. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2023, 14 (39), 8820-8827, Research Data:
Zhang, K. L.; Reichstein, J.; Groppe, P.; Schoetz, S.; Stockinger, N.; Libuda, J.; Mandel, K.; Wintzheimer, S.; Retzer, T., Molecular and Structural Insights into H2 Indicator Supraparticles: Lowering the Limit of Detection by Tuning Incorporated Catalyst Nanoparticles. Chem. Mater. 2023, 35 (17), 6808-6822, Research Data:
Danisman, B.; Zhang, G. R.; Baumunk, A. F.; Yang, J. T.; Brummel, O.; Darge, P.; Mayrhoferhttps, K. J. J.; Libuda, J.; Ledendecker, M.; Etzold, B. J. M., Strong Activity Changes Observable during the First Pretreatment Cycles of Trimetallic PtNiMo/C Catalysts. ChemElectroChem 2023, 10 (16),
Bühlmeyer, H.; Hauner, J.; Eschenbacher, R.; Steffen, J.; Trzeciak, S.; Taccardi, N.; Görling, A.; Zahn, D.; Wasserscheid, P.; Libuda, J., Structure Formation in an Ionic Liquid Wetting Layer: A Combined STM, IRAS, DFT and MD Study of [C2C1Im][OTf] on Au(111). Chem. Eur. J. 2023,
Zhang, K. L.; Schotz, S.; Reichstein, J.; Groppe, P.; Stockinger, N.; Wintzheimer, S.; Mandel, K.; Libuda, J.; Retzer, T., Supraparticles for naked-eye H-2 indication and monitoring: Improving performance by variation of the catalyst nanoparticles. J. Chem. Phys. 2023, 158 (13),
Simanenko, A.; Kastenmeier, M.; Piliai, L.; Kosto, Y.; Skala, T.; Tsud, N.; Mehl, S.; Vorokhta, M.; Matolinova, I.; Lykhach, Y.; Libuda, J., Probing the redox capacity of Pt-CeO2 model catalyst for low-temperature CO oxidation. J. Mater. Chem. A , 2023,
Libuda, J.; Gorling, A., Functional molecular structures on complex oxide surfaces. Surface Science, 2023, 729,
Kastenmeier, M.; Fusek, L.; Mohamed, F.; Schuschke, C.; Ronovsky, M.; Camellone, M. F.; Tsud, N.; Johanek, V.; Fabris, S.; Piccinin, S.; Myslivec, J.; Brummel, O.; Lykhach, Y.; Skala, T.; Libuda, J., Pd/Co3O4(111) Interface Formation. J. Phys. Chem. C 2023, 127 (12), 6034-6044,
Hilpert, F.; Liao, P. C.; Franz, E.; Koch, V. M.; Fromm, L.; Topraksal, E.; Gorling, A.; Smith, A. S.; Barr, M. K. S.; Bachmann, J.; Brummel, O.; Libuda, J., Mechanistic Insight into Solution-Based Atomic Layer Deposition of CuSCN Provided by In Situ and Ex Situ Methods. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2023, 15 (15), 19536-19544,
Franz, E.; Jung, J. N.; Kunz, A.; Wegner, H. A.; Brummel, O.; Mollenhauer, D.; Libuda, J., How Adsorption Affects the Energy Release in an Azothiophene- Based Molecular Solar-Thermal System. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2023,
Eschenbacher, R.; Trzeciak, S.; Schuschke, C.; Schotz, S.; Hohner, C.; Blaumeiser, D.; Zahn, D.; Retzer, T.; Libuda, J., Thermal Stability and CO Permeability of C(4)C(1)Pyr NTf2 /Pd(111) Model SCILLs: from UHV to Ambient Pressure. Top Catal 66, 1202–1216 (2023),
Yang, T.; Yang, J.; Deng, X.; Franz, E.; Fromm, L.; Taccardi, N.; Liu, Z.; Gorling, A.; Wasserscheid, P.; Brummel, O.; Libuda, J., Modifying the Electrocatalytic Selectivity of Oxidation Reactions with Ionic Liquids. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2022, 61 (29), e202202957,
Wolf, P.; Wick, C. R.; Mehler, J.; Blaumeiser, D.; Schotz, S.; Bauer, T.; Libuda, J.; Smith, D.; Smith, A. S.; Haumann, M., Improving the Performance of Supported Ionic Liquid Phase Catalysts for the Ultra-Low-Temperature Water Gas Shift Reaction Using Organic Salt Additives. ACS Catal 2022, 12 (9), 5661-5672,
Wiegmann, T.; Pacheco, I.; Reikowski, F.; Stettner, J.; Qiu, C.; Bouvier, M.; Bertram, M.; Faisal, F.; Brummel, O.; Libuda, J.; Drnec, J.; Allongue, P.; Maroun, F.; Magnussen, O. M., Operando Identification of the Reversible Skin Layer on Co(3)O(4) as a Three-Dimensional Reaction Zone for Oxygen Evolution. ACS Catal 2022, 12 (6), 3256-3268,
Stredansky, M.; Moro, S.; Corva, M.; Sturmeit, H.; Mischke, V.; Janas, D.; Cojocariu, I.; Jugovac, M.; Cossaro, A.; Verdini, A.; Floreano, L.; Feng, Z.; Sala, A.; Comelli, G.; Windischbacher, A.; Puschnig, P.; Hohner, C.; Kettner, M.; Libuda, J.; Cinchetti, M.; Schneider, C. M.; Feyer, V.; Vesselli, E.; Zamborlini, G., Disproportionation of Nitric Oxide at a Surface-Bound Nickel Porphyrinoid. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2022, 61 (20), e202201916,
Reichstein, J.; Schotz, S.; Macht, M.; Maisel, S.; Stockinger, N.; Collados, C. C.; Schubert, K.; Blaumeiser, D.; Wintzheimer, S.; Gorling, A.; Thommes, M.; Zahn, D.; Libuda, J.; Bauer, T.; Mandel, K., Supraparticles for Bare-Eye H-2 Indication and Monitoring: Design, Working Principle, and Molecular Mobility. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2022, 32 (22), 13,
Lykhach, Y.; Johanek, V.; Neitzel, A.; Skala, T.; Tsud, N.; Beranova, K.; Myslivecek, J.; Brummel, O.; Libuda, J., Redox-mediated C-C bond scission in alcohols adsorbed on CeO(2-x)thin films. J Phys Condens Matter 2022, 34 (19), 13,
Krauter, J.; Franz, E.; Waidhas, F.; Brummel, O.; Libuda, J.; Al-Shamery, K., The role of defects in the photoconversion of 2-propanol on rutile titania: Operando spectroscopy combined with elementary studies. J. Catal. 2022, 406, 134-144,
Kastenmeier, M.; Fusek, L.; Deng, X.; Skala, T.; Mehl, S.; Tsud, N.; Grau, S.; Stumm, C.; Uvarov, V.; Johanek, V.; Libuda, J.; Lykhach, Y.; Myslivec, J.; Brummel, O., Particle Size and Shape Effects in Electrochemical Environments: Pd Particles Supported on Ordered Co3O4(111) and Highly Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite. J. Phys. Chem. C 2022, 126 (30), 12870-12881,
Jacobse, L.; Schuster, R.; Pfrommer, J.; Deng, X.; Dolling, S.; Weber, T.; Gutowski, O.; Dippel, A. C.; Brummel, O.; Lykhach, Y.; Over, H.; Libuda, J.; Vonk, V.; Stierle, A., A combined rotating disk electrode-surface x-ray diffraction setup for surface structure characterization in electrocatalysis. Rev Sci Instrum 2022, 93 (6), 065111,
Fusek, L.; Kastenmeier, M.; Franz, E.; Fromm, L.; Goerling, A.; Brummel, O.; Libuda, J., Anchoring of porphyrins on atomically defined cobalt oxide: In-situ infrared spectroscopy at the electrified solid/liquid interface. Surf. Sci. 2022, 718, 7,
Franz, E.; Stumm, C.; Waidhas, F.; Bertram, M.; Jevric, M.; Orrego-Hernández, J.; Hölzel, H.; Moth-Poulsen, K.; Brummel, O.; Libuda, J., Tunable Energy Release in a Reversible Molecular Solar Thermal System. ACS Catal. 2022, 12 (21), 13418-13425,
Franz, E.; Kunz, A.; Oberhof, N.; Heindl, A. H.; Bertram, M.; Fusek, L.; Taccardi, N.; Wasserscheid, P.; Dreuw, A.; Wegner, H. A.; Brummel, O.; Libuda, J., Electrochemically Triggered Energy Release from an Azothiophene-Based Molecular Solar Thermal System. ChemSusChem 2022, 15 (18), e202200958,
Franz, E.; Krappmann, D.; Fromm, L.; Luchs, T.; Gorling, A.; Hirsch, A.; Brummel, O.; Libuda, J., Electrocatalytic Energy Release of Norbornadiene-Based Molecular Solar Thermal Systems: Tuning the Electrochemical Stability by Molecular Design. ChemSusChem 2022, 15 (24), e202201483,
Fickenscher, G.; Fromm, L.; Gorling, A.; Libuda, J., Atomic Layer Deposition of HfS2 on Oxide Interfaces: A Model Study on the Initial Nucleation Processes. J. Phys. Chem. C 2022, 10,
Eschenbacher, R.; Xu, T.; Franz, E.; Low, R.; Moje, T.; Fromm, L.; Gorling, A.; Brummel, O.; Herges, R.; Libuda, J., Triggering the energy release in molecular solar thermal systems: Norbornadiene-functionalized trioxatriangulen on Au(111). Nano Energy 2022, 95, 11, 10700710.1016/j.nanoen.2022.107007.
Buhlmeyer, H.; Adamsen, K. C.; Xu, T.; Lammich, L.; Libuda, J.; Lauritsen, J. V.; Wendt, S., Adsorption and Reaction of NH(3)on Rutile TiO2(110): An STM Study. J. Phys. Chem. C 2022, 126 (15), 6590-6600,
Brummel, O.; Lykhach, Y.; Ralaiarisoa, M.; Berasategui, M.; Kastenmeier, M.; Fusek, L.; Simanenko, A.; Gu, W.; Clark, P. C. J.; Yivlialin, R.; Sear, M. J.; Myslivecek, J.; Favaro, M.; Starr, D. E.; Libuda, J., A Versatile Approach to Electrochemical In Situ Ambient-Pressure X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy: Application to a Complex Model Catalyst. J Phys Chem Lett 2022, 13 (47), 11015-11022,
Bezkrovnyi, O.; Bruix, A.; Blaumeiser, D.; Piliai, L.; Schotz, S.; Bauer, T.; Khalakhan, I.; Skala, T.; Matvija, P.; Kraszkiewicz, P.; Pawlyta, M.; Vorokhta, M.; Matolinova, I.; Libuda, J.; Neyman, K. M.; Kepinski, L., Metal-Support Interaction and Charge Distribution in Ceria-Supported Au Particles Exposed to CO. Chem Mater 2022, 34 (17), 7916-7936,
Yang, T.; Kastenmeier, M.; Ronovsky, M.; Fusek, L.; Skala, T.; Waidhas, F.; Bertram, M.; Tsud, N.; Matvija, P.; Prince, K. C.; Matolin, V.; Liu, Z.; Johanek, V.; Myslivecek, J.; Lykhach, Y.; Brummel, O.; Libuda, J., Selective electrooxidation of 2-propanol on Pt nanoparticles supported on Co3O4: an in-situ study on atomically defined model systems. J. Phys. D-Appl. Phys. 2021, 54 (16), 14,
Wang, Z. H.; Erhart, P.; Li, T.; Zhang, Z. Y.; Sampedro, D.; Hu, Z. Y.; Wegner, H. A.; Brummel, O.; Libuda, J.; Nielsen, M. B.; Moth-Poulsen, K., Storing energy with molecular photoisomers. Joule 2021, 5 (12), 3116-3136,
Sturmeit, H. M.; Cojocariu, I.; Windischbacher, A.; Puschnig, P.; Piamonteze, C.; Jugovac, M.; Sala, A.; Africh, C.; Comelli, G.; Cossaro, A.; Verdini, A.; Floreano, L.; Stredansky, M.; Vesselli, E.; Hohner, C.; Kettner, M.; Libuda, J.; Schneider, C. M.; Zamborlini, G.; Cinchetti, M.; Feyer, V., Room-Temperature On-Spin-Switching and Tuning in a Porphyrin-Based Multifunctional Interface. Small 2021, 17 (50), e2104779,
Stumm, C.; Kastenmeier, M.; Waidhas, F.; Bertram, M.; Sandbeck, D. J. S.; Bochmann, S.; Mayrhofer, K. J. J.; Bachmann, J.; Cherevko, S.; Brummel, O.; Libuda, J., Model electrocatalysts for the oxidation of rechargeable electrofuels – carbon supported Pt nanoparticles prepared in UHV. Electrochim. Acta 2021, 389, 13,
Stumm, C.; Grau, S.; Speck, F. D.; Hilpert, F.; Briega-Martos, V.; Mayrhofer, K.; Cherevko, S.; Brummel, O.; Libuda, J., Reduction of Oxide Layers on Au(111): The Interplay between Reduction Rate, Dissolution, and Restructuring. J. Phys. Chem. C 2021, 125 (41), 22698-22704,
Stumm, C.; Bertram, M.; Kastenmeier, M.; Speck, F. D.; Sun, Z. Z.; Rodriguez-Fernandez, J.; Lauritsen, J. V.; Mayrhofer, K. J. J.; Cherevko, S.; Brummel, O.; Libuda, J., Structural Dynamics of Ultrathin Cobalt Oxide Nanoislands under Potential Control. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2021, 31 (13), 13,
Schuster, R.; Wahler, T.; Kettner, M.; Agel, F.; Bauer, T.; Wasserscheid, P.; Libuda, J., Model Studies on the Ozone-Mediated Synthesis of Cobalt Oxide Nanoparticles from Dicobalt Octacarbonyl in Ionic Liquids. ChemistryOpen 2021, 10 (2), 141-152,
Schuster, R.; Bertram, M.; Runge, H.; Geile, S.; Chung, S.; Vonk, V.; Noei, H.; Poulain, A.; Lykhach, Y.; Stierle, A.; Libuda, J., Metastability of palladium carbide nanoparticles during hydrogen release from liquid organic hydrogen carriers. Phys Chem Chem Phys 2021, 23 (2), 1371-1380,
Schuschke, C.; Fusek, L.; Uvarov, V.; Vorokhta, M.; Smid, B.; Johanek, V.; Lykhach, Y.; Libuda, J.; Myslivecek, J.; Brummel, O., Stability of the Pd/Co3O4(111) Model Catalysts in Oxidizing and Humid Environments. J. Phys. Chem. C 2021, 125 (5), 2907-2917,
Schuschke, C.; Fromm, L.; Trag, J.; Stumm, C.; Hohner, C.; Eschenbacher, R.; Grau, S.; Zahn, D.; Gorling, A.; Bauer, T.; Libuda, J., A Molecular View of the Ionic Liquid Catalyst Interface of SCILLs: Coverage-Dependent Adsorption Motifs of [C(4)C(1)Pyr][NTf2] on Pd Single Crystals and Nanoparticles. J. Phys. Chem. C 2021, 125 (24), 13264-13272,
Krauter, J.; Mohrhusen, L.; Waidhas, F.; Brummel, O.; Libuda, J.; Al-Shamery, K., Photoconversion of 2-Propanol on Rutile Titania: A Combined Liquid-Phase and Surface Science Study. J. Phys. Chem. C 2021, 125 (6), 3355-3367,
Kosider, A.; Blaumeiser, D.; Schotz, S.; Preuster, P.; Bosmann, A.; Wasserscheid, P.; Libuda, J.; Bauer, T., Enhancing the feasibility of Pd/C-catalyzed formic acid decomposition for hydrogen generation – catalyst pretreatment, deactivation, and regeneration. Catal. Sci. Technol. 2021, 11 (12), 4259-4271,
Hohner, C.; Ronovsky, M.; Brummel, O.; Skala, T.; Smid, B.; Tsud, N.; Vorokhta, M.; Prince, K. C.; Myslivecek, J.; Johanek, V.; Lykhach, Y.; Libuda, J., Reactive interaction of isopropanol with Co3O4 (111) and Pt/Co3O4(111) model catalysts. J. Catal. 2021, 398, 171-184,
Hohner, C.; Fromm, L.; Schuschke, C.; Taccardi, N.; Xu, T.; Wasserscheid, P.; Gorling, A.; Libuda, J., Adsorption Motifs and Molecular Orientation at the Ionic Liquid/Noble Metal Interface: [C(2)C(1)Im][NTf(2)] on Pt(111). Langmuir 2021, 37 (43), 12596-12607,
Fickenscher, G.; Hohner, C.; Xu, T.; Libuda, J., Adsorption of D2O and CO on Co3O4 (111): Water Stabilizes Coadsorbed CO. J. Phys. Chem. C 2021, 125 (48), 26785-26792,
Eschenbacher, R.; Schuschke, C.; Buhlmeyer, H.; Taccardi, N.; Wasserscheid, P.; Bauer, T.; Xu, T.; Libuda, J., Interaction between Ionic Liquids and a Pt(111) Surface Probed by Coadsorbed CO as a Test Molecule. J Phys Chem Lett 2021, 12 (41), 10079-10085,
Chen, X. M.; Gierlich, C. H.; Schotz, S.; Blaumeiser, D.; Bauer, T.; Libuda, J.; Palkovits, R., Hydrogen Production Based on Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carriers through Sulfur Doped Platinum Catalysts Supported on TiO2. ACS Sustain. Chem. Eng. 2021, 9 (19), 6561-6573,
Blaumeiser, D.; Schuschke, C.; Fromm, L.; Taccardi, N.; Schotz, S.; Eschenbacher, R.; Buhlmeyer, H.; Xu, T.; Bauer, T.; Wasserscheid, P.; Gorling, A.; Libuda, J., CO Permeability and Wetting Behavior of Ionic Liquids on Pt(111): An IRAS and PM-IRAS Study from Ultrahigh Vacuum to Ambient Pressure. J. Phys. Chem. C 2021, 125 (28), 15301-15315,
Waidhas, F.; Jevric, M.; Bosch, M.; Yang, T.; Franz, E.; Liu, Z.; Bachmann, J.; Moth-Poulsen, K.; Brummel, O.; Libuda, J., Electrochemically controlled energy release from a norbornadiene-based solar thermal fuel: increasing the reversibility to 99.8% using HOPG as the electrode material. J. Mater. Chem. A 2020, 8 (31), 15658-15664,
Waidhas, F.; Haschke, S.; Khanipour, P.; Fromm, L.; Gorling, A.; Bachmann, J.; Katsounaros, I.; Mayrhofer, K. J. J.; Brummel, O.; Libuda, J., Secondary Alcohols as Rechargeable Electrofuels: Electrooxidation of Isopropyl Alcohol at Pt Electrodes. ACS Catal. 2020, 10 (12), 6831-6842,
Wahler, T.; Schuster, R.; Libuda, J., Self-Metalation of Anchored Porphyrins on Atomically Defined Cobalt Oxide Surfaces: In situ Studies by Surface Vibrational Spectroscopy. Chemistry 2020, 26 (54), 12445-12453,
Wahler, T.; Schuster, R.; Libuda, J., Surface Structure Controls Self-Metalation: In-Situ IR Studies of Anchored Porphyrins on Atomically-Defined Cobalt Oxide Surfaces. J. Phys. Chem. C 2020, 124 (39), 21538-21548,
Vecchietti, J.; Lustemberg, P.; Fornero, E. L.; Calatayud, M.; Collins, S. E.; Mohr, S.; Ganduglia-Pirovano, M. V.; Libuda, J.; Bonivardi, A. L., Controlled selectivity for ethanol steam reforming reaction over doped CeO2 surfaces: The role of gallium. Appl. Catal. B-Environ. 2020, 277, 13,
Lykhach, Y.; Skala, T.; Neitzel, A.; Tsud, N.; Beranova, K.; Prince, K. C.; Matolin, V.; Libuda, J., Nanoscale architecture of ceria-based model catalysts: Pt-Co nanostructures on well-ordered CeO2(111) thin films. Chin. J. Catal. 2020, 41 (6), 985-997, S1872-2067(19)63462-510.1016/S1872-2067(19)63462-5.
Hohner, C.; Kettner, M.; Stumm, C.; Blaumeiser, D.; Wittkamper, H.; Grabau, M.; Schwarz, M.; Schuschke, C.; Lykhach, Y.; Papp, C.; Steinruck, H. P.; Libuda, J., Pt-Ga Model SCALMS on Modified HOPG: Thermal Behavior and Stability in UHV and under Near-Ambient Conditions. J. Phys. Chem. C 2020, 124 (4), 2562-2573,
Cao, Y. Y.; Wahler, T.; Park, H.; Will, J.; Prihoda, A.; Badlyan, N. M.; Fromm, L.; Yokosawa, T.; Wang, B. Z.; Guldi, D. M.; Gorling, A.; Maultzsch, J.; Unruh, T.; Spiecker, E.; Halik, M.; Libuda, J.; Bachmann, J., Area-Selective Growth of HfS(2)Thin Films via Atomic Layer Deposition at Low Temperature. Adv. Mater. Interfaces 2020, 7 (23), 9, 200149310.1002/admi.202001493.
Brummel, O.; Libuda, J., Electrifying Oxide Model Catalysis: Complex Electrodes Based on Atomically-Defined Oxide Films. Catal. Lett. 2020, 150 (6), 1546-1560,
Blaumeiser, D.; Stepic, R.; Wolf, P.; Wick, C. R.; Haumann, M.; Wasserscheid, P.; Smith, D. M.; Smith, A. S.; Bauer, T.; Libuda, J., Cu carbonyls enhance the performance of Ru-based SILP water-gas shift catalysts: a combined in situ DRIFTS and DFT study. Catal. Sci. Technol. 2020, 10 (1), 252-262,
Bezkrovnyi, O. S.; Blaumeiser, D.; Vorokhta, M.; Kraszkiewicz, P.; Pawlyta, M.; Bauer, T.; Libuda, J.; Kepinski, L., NAP-XPS and In Situ DRIFTS of the Interaction of CO with Au Nanoparticles Supported by Ce1-xEuxO2 Nanocubes. J. Phys. Chem. C 2020, 124 (10), 5647-5656,
Bertram, M.; Waidhas, F.; Jevric, M.; Fromm, L.; Schuschke, C.; Kastenmeier, M.; Gorling, A.; Moth-Poulsen, K.; Brummel, O.; Libuda, J., Norbornadiene photoswitches anchored to well-defined oxide surfaces: From ultrahigh vacuum into the liquid and the electrochemical environment. J Chem Phys 2020, 152 (4), 044708,
Bertram, M.; Prossl, C.; Ronovsky, M.; Knoppel, J.; Matvija, P.; Fusek, L.; Skala, T.; Tsud, N.; Kastenmeier, M.; Matolin, V.; Mayrhofer, K. J. J.; Johanek, V.; Myslivecek, J.; Cherevko, S.; Lykhach, Y.; Brummel, O.; Libuda, J., Cobalt Oxide-Supported Pt Electrocatalysts: Intimate Correlation between Particle Size, Electronic Metal-Support Interaction and Stability. J Phys Chem Lett 2020, 11 (19), 8365-8371,
Yan, G.; Wahler, T.; Schuster, R.; Schwarz, M.; Hohner, C.; Werner, K.; Libuda, J.; Sautet, P., Water on Oxide Surfaces: A Triaqua Surface Coordination Complex on Co(3)O(4)(111). J Am Chem Soc 2019, 141 (14), 5623-5627,
Yan, G.; Waehler, T.; Schuster, R.; Schwarz, M.; Hohner, C.; Werner, K.; Libuda, J.; Sautet, P., Triaqua surface coordination complex on Co3O4(111). Abstr. Pap. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019, 258, 1.
Wolf, P.; Aubermann, M.; Wolf, M.; Bauer, T.; Blaumeiser, D.; Stepic, R.; Wick, C. R.; Smith, D. M.; Smith, A. S.; Wasserscheid, P.; Libuda, J.; Haumann, M., Improving the performance of supported ionic liquid phase (SILP) catalysts for the ultra-low-temperature water-gas shift reaction using metal salt additives. Green Chem. 2019, 21 (18), 5008-5018,
Waidhas, F.; Jevric, M.; Fromm, L.; Bertram, M.; Görling, A.; Moth-Poulsen, K.; Brummel, O.; Libuda, J., Electrochemically controlled energy storage in a norbornadiene-based solar fuel with 99% reversibility. Nano Energy 2019, 63, 7,
Wahler, T.; Hohner, C.; Sun, Z.; Schuster, R.; Rodriguez-Fernandez, J.; Lauristen, J. V.; Libuda, J., Dissociation of water on atomically-defined cobalt oxide nanoislands on Pt(111) and its effect on the adsorption of CO. J. Mater. Res. 2019, 34 (3), 379-393,
Sievi, G.; Geburtig, D.; Skeledzic, T.; Bosmann, A.; Preuster, P.; Brummel, O.; Waidhas, F.; Montero, M. A.; Khanipour, P.; Katsounaros, I.; Libuda, J.; Mayrhofer, K. J. J.; Wasserscheid, P., Towards an efficient liquid organic hydrogen carrier fuel cell concept. Energy Environ. Sci. 2019, 12 (7), 2305-2314,
Schwarz, M.; Schuschke, C.; Silva, T. N.; Mohr, S.; Waidhas, F.; Brummel, O.; Libuda, J., A simple high-intensity UV-photon source for photochemical studies in UHV: Application to the photoconversion of norbornadiene to quadricyclane. Rev Sci Instrum 2019, 90 (2), 024105,
Schwarz, M.; Mohr, S.; Hohner, C.; Werner, K.; Xu, T.; Libuda, J., Water on Atomically-Defined Cobalt Oxide Surfaces Studied by Temperature-Programmed IR Reflection Absorption Spectroscopy and Steady State Isotopic Exchange. J. Phys. Chem. C 2019, 123 (13), 7673-7681,
Schuschke, C.; Hohner, C.; Stumm, C.; Kettner, M.; Fromm, L.; Gorling, A.; Libuda, J., Dynamic CO Adsorption and Desorption through the Ionic Liquid Layer of a Pt Model Solid Catalyst with Ionic Liquid Layers. J. Phys. Chem. C 2019, 123 (51), 31057-31072,
Schuschke, C.; Hohner, C.; Jevric, M.; Ugleholdt Petersen, A.; Wang, Z.; Schwarz, M.; Kettner, M.; Waidhas, F.; Fromm, L.; Sumby, C. J.; Gorling, A.; Brummel, O.; Moth-Poulsen, K.; Libuda, J., Solar energy storage at an atomically defined organic-oxide hybrid interface. Nat Commun 2019, 10 (1), 2384,
Sandbeck, D. J. S.; Brummel, O.; Mayrhofer, K. J. J.; Libuda, J.; Katsounaros, I.; Cherevko, S., Dissolution of Platinum Single Crystals in Acidic Medium. ChemPhysChem 2019, 20 (22), 2997-3003,
Raman, N.; Maisel, S.; Grabau, M.; Taccardi, N.; Debuschewitz, J.; Wolf, M.; Wittkamper, H.; Bauer, T.; Wu, M.; Haumann, M.; Papp, C.; Gorling, A.; Spiecker, E.; Libuda, J.; Steinruck, H. P.; Wasserscheid, P., Highly Effective Propane Dehydrogenation Using Ga-Rh Supported Catalytically Active Liquid Metal Solutions. ACS Catal 2019, 9 (10), 9499-9507,
Lykhach, Y.; Skala, T.; Tsud, N.; Myslivecek, J.; Prince, K.; Matolin, V.; Libuda, J., Redox materials chemistry at the nanoscale. Abstr. Pap. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019, 257, 2.
Lykhach, Y.; Piccinin, S.; Skala, T.; Bertram, M.; Tsud, N.; Brummel, O.; Farnesi Camellone, M.; Beranova, K.; Neitzel, A.; Fabris, S.; Prince, K. C.; Matolin, V.; Libuda, J., Quantitative Analysis of the Oxidation State of Cobalt Oxides by Resonant Photoemission Spectroscopy. J Phys Chem Lett 2019, 10 (20), 6129-6136,
Lykhach, Y.; Kubat, J.; Neitzel, A.; Tsud, N.; Vorokhta, M.; Skala, T.; Dvorak, F.; Kosto, Y.; Prince, K. C.; Matolin, V.; Johanek, V.; Myslivecek, J.; Libuda, J., Charge transfer and spillover phenomena in ceria-supported iridium catalysts: A model study. J Chem Phys 2019, 151 (20), 204703,
Libuda, J., Supported catalytically active liquid metal solutions: From operando studies to model catalysis. Abstr. Pap. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019, 257, 1.
Libuda, J., Model interfaces constructed from ordered oxide films: From heterogeneous catalysis to electrocatalysis, photoelectrocatalysis, and organic-oxide hybrid materials. Abstr. Pap. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019, 257, 1.
Libuda, J., Atomically-defined model systems for oxide-based electrodes: From surface science to the electrified interface. Abstr. Pap. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019, 257, 1.
Libuda, J., Model catalysis with ceria-based materials: Surface science models for heterogeneous catalysis and electrocatalysis. Abstr. Pap. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019, 258, 2.
Kettner, M.; Stumm, C.; Schwarz, M.; Schuschke, C.; Libuda, J., Pd model catalysts on clean and modified HOPG: Growth, adsorption properties, and stability. Surf. Sci. 2019, 679, 64-73,
Kettner, M.; Maisel, S.; Stumm, C.; Schwarz, M.; Schuschke, C.; Gorling, A.; Libuda, J., Pd-Ga model SCALMS: Characterization and stability of Pd single atom sites. J. Catal. 2019, 369, 33-46,
Hohner, C.; Kettner, M.; Stumm, C.; Schuschke, C.; Schwarz, M.; Libuda, J., Pt-Ga Model SCALMS on Modified HOPG: Growth and Adsorption Properties. Top. Catal. 2019, 62 (12-16), 849-858,
Brummel, O.; Lykhach, Y.; Vorokhta, M.; Smid, B.; Stumm, C.; Faisal, F.; Skala, T.; Tsud, N.; Neitzel, A.; Beranova, K.; Prince, K. C.; Matolin, V.; Libuda, J., Redox Behavior of Pt/Co3O4(111) Model Electrocatalyst Studied by X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Coupled with an Electrochemical Cell. J. Phys. Chem. C 2019, 123 (14), 8746-8758,
Bertram, M.; Schuschke, C.; Waidhas, F.; Schwarz, M.; Hohner, C.; Montero, M. A.; Brummel, O.; Libuda, J., Molecular anchoring to oxide surfaces in ultrahigh vacuum and in aqueous electrolytes: phosphonic acids on atomically-defined cobalt oxide. Phys Chem Chem Phys 2019, 21 (42), 23364-23374,
Bauer, T.; Maisel, S.; Blaumeiser, D.; Vecchietti, J.; Taccardi, N.; Wasserscheid, P.; Bonivardi, A.; Gorling, A.; Libuda, J., Operando DRIFTS and DFT Study of Propane Dehydrogenation over Solid- and Liquid-Supported Ga (x) Pt (y) Catalysts. ACS Catal 2019, 9 (4), 2842-2853,
Bauer, T.; Agel, F.; Blaumeiser, D.; Maisel, S.; Gorling, A.; Wasserscheid, P.; Libuda, J., Low-Temperature Synthesis of Oxides in Ionic Liquids: Ozone-Mediated Formation of Co3O4 Nanoparticles Monitored by In Situ Infrared Spectroscopy. Adv. Mater. Interfaces 2019, 6 (20), 9,
Auer, F.; Blaumeiser, D.; Bauer, T.; Bosmann, A.; Szesni, N.; Libuda, J.; Wasserscheid, P., Boosting the activity of hydrogen release from liquid organic hydrogen carrier systems by sulfur-additives to Pt on alumina catalysts. Catal. Sci. Technol. 2019, 9 (13), 3537-3547,
Schwarz, M.; Faisal, F.; Mohr, S.; Hohner, C.; Werner, K.; Xu, T.; Skala, T.; Tsud, N.; Prince, K. C.; Matolin, V.; Lykhach, Y.; Libuda, J., Structure-Dependent Dissociation of Water on Cobalt Oxide. J Phys Chem Lett 2018, 9 (11), 2763-2769,
Schuster, R.; Waidhas, F.; Bertram, M.; Runge, H.; Geile, S.; Shayduk, R.; Abuin, M.; Vonk, V.; Noei, H.; Lykhach, Y.; Bertram, F.; Stierle, A.; Libuda, J., Dehydrogenation of Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carriers on Supported Pd Model Catalysts: Carbon Incorporation Under Operation Conditions. Catal. Lett. 2018, 148 (9), 2901-2910,
Schuschke, C.; Schwarz, M.; Hohner, C.; Silva, T. N.; Libuda, J., Phosphonic Acids on Well-Ordered CoO Surfaces: The Binding Motif Depends on the Surface Structure. J. Phys. Chem. C 2018, 122 (28), 16221-16233,
Schuschke, C.; Schwarz, M.; Hohner, C.; Silva, T. N.; Fromm, L.; Dopper, T.; Gorling, A.; Libuda, J., Phosphonic Acids on an Atomically Defined Oxide Surface: The Binding Motif Changes with Surface Coverage. J Phys Chem Lett 2018, 9 (8), 1937-1943,
Lykhach, Y.; Faisal, F.; Skala, T.; Neitzel, A.; Tsud, N.; Vorokhta, M.; Dvorak, F.; Beranova, K.; Kosto, Y.; Prince, K. C.; Matolin, V.; Libuda, J., Interplay between the metal- support interaction and stability in Pt/ Co3O4(111) model catalysts. J. Mater. Chem. A 2018, 6 (45), 23078-23086,
Libuda, J., Model studies in energy-related catalysis and electrocatalysis. Abstr. Pap. Am. Chem. Soc. 2018, 255, 1.
Libuda, J., Electrifying model catalysis: Complex model catalysts studied in ultrahigh vacuum and under electrochemical conditions. Abstr. Pap. Am. Chem. Soc. 2018, 255, 2.
Kollhoff, F.; Schneider, J.; Li, G.; Barkaoui, S.; Shen, W.; Berger, T.; Diwald, O.; Libuda, J., Anchoring of carboxyl-functionalized porphyrins on MgO, TiO(2), and Co(3)O(4) nanoparticles. Phys Chem Chem Phys 2018, 20 (38), 24858-24868,
Kollhoff, F.; Schneider, J.; Berger, T.; Diwald, O.; Libuda, J., Thermally Activated Self-metalation of Carboxy-functionalized Porphyrin Films on MgO Nanocubes. ChemPhysChem 2018, 19 (17), 2272-2280,
Khalakhan, I.; Waidhas, F.; Brummel, O.; Vorokhta, M.; Kus, P.; Yakovlev, Y. V.; Bertram, M.; Dopita, M.; Matolinova, I.; Libuda, J.; Matolin, V., Nanoscale Morphological and Structural Transformations of PtCu Alloy Electrocatalysts during Potentiodynamic Cycling. J. Phys. Chem. C 2018, 122 (38), 21974-21982,
Faisal, F.; Stumm, C.; Bertram, M.; Waidhas, F.; Lykhach, Y.; Cherevko, S.; Xiang, F.; Ammon, M.; Vorokhta, M.; Smid, B.; Skala, T.; Tsud, N.; Neitzel, A.; Beranova, K.; Prince, K. C.; Geiger, S.; Kasian, O.; Wahler, T.; Schuster, R.; Schneider, M. A.; Matolin, V.; Mayrhofer, K. J. J.; Brummel, O.; Libuda, J., Electrifying model catalysts for understanding electrocatalytic reactions in liquid electrolytes. Nat Mater 2018, 17 (7), 592-598,
Faisal, F.; Stumm, C.; Bertram, M.; Wahler, T.; Schuster, R.; Xiang, F.; Lytken, O.; Katsounaros, I.; Mayrhofer, K. J. J.; Schneider, M. A.; Brummel, O.; Libuda, J., Atomically-defined model catalysts in ultrahigh vacuum and in liquid electrolytes: particle size-dependent CO adsorption on Pt nanoparticles on ordered Co(3)O(4)(111) films. Phys Chem Chem Phys 2018, 20 (36), 23702-23716,
Faisal, F.; Bertram, M.; Stumm, C.; Waidhas, F.; Brummel, O.; Libuda, J., Preparation of complex model electrocatalysts in ultra-high vacuum and transfer into the electrolyte for electrochemical IR spectroscopy and other techniques. Rev Sci Instrum 2018, 89 (11), 114101,
Faisal, F.; Bertram, M.; Stumm, C.; Wahler, T.; Schuster, R.; Lykhach, Y.; Neitzel, A.; Skala, T.; Tsud, N.; Beranova, K.; Prince, K. C.; Matolin, V.; Brummel, O.; Libuda, J., Electrocatalysis with Atomically Defined Model Systems: Metal-Support Interactions between Pt Nanoparticles and Co3O4(111) under Ultrahigh Vacuum and in Liquid Electrolytes. J. Phys. Chem. C 2018, 122 (36), 20787-20799,
Faisal, F.; Bertram, M.; Stumm, C.; Cherevko, S.; Geiger, S.; Kasian, O.; Lykhach, Y.; Lytken, O.; Mayrhofer, K. J. J.; Brummel, O.; Libuda, J., Atomically Defined Co3O4(111) Thin Films Prepared in Ultrahigh Vacuum: Stability under Electrochemical Conditions. J. Phys. Chem. C 2018, 122 (13), 7236-7248,
Bauer, T.; Stepic, R.; Wolf, P.; Kollhoff, F.; Karawacka, W.; Wick, C. R.; Haumann, M.; Wasserscheid, P.; Smith, D. M.; Smith, A. S.; Libuda, J., Dynamic equilibria in supported ionic liquid phase (SILP) catalysis: in situ IR spectroscopy identifies [Ru(CO)(x)Cl-y](n) species in water gas shift catalysis. Catal. Sci. Technol. 2018, 8 (1), 344-357,
Bachmann, P.; Schwarz, M.; Steinhauer, J.; Spath, F.; Dull, F.; Bauer, U.; Silva, T. N.; Mohr, S.; Hohner, C.; Scheuermeyer, M.; Wasserscheid, P.; Libuda, J.; Steinruck, H. P.; Papp, C., Dehydrogenation of the Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carrier System Indole/Indoline/Octahydroindole on Pt(111). J. Phys. Chem. C 2018, 122 (8), 4470-4479,
Xu, T.; Waehler, T.; Vecchietti, J.; Bonivardi, A.; Bauer, T.; Schwegler, J.; Schulz, P. S.; Wasserscheid, P.; Libuda, J., Interaction of Ester-Functionalized Ionic Liquids with Atomically-Defined Cobalt Oxides Surfaces: Adsorption, Reaction and Thermal Stability. ChemPhysChem 2017, 18 (23), 3443-3453,
Xu, T.; Waehler, T.; Vecchietti, J.; Bonivardi, A.; Bauer, T.; Schwegler, J.; Schulz, P. S.; Wasserscheid, P.; Libuda, J., Gluing Ionic Liquids to Oxide Surfaces: Chemical Anchoring of Functionalized Ionic Liquids by Vapor Deposition onto Cobalt(II) Oxide. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2017, 56 (31), 9072-9076,
Schwarz, M.; Mohr, S.; Xu, T.; Dopper, T.; Weiss, C.; Civale, K.; Hirsch, A.; Gorling, A.; Libuda, J., Anchoring of a Carboxyl-Functionalized Norbornadiene Derivative to an Atomically Defined Cobalt Oxide Surface. J. Phys. Chem. C 2017, 121 (21), 11508-11518,
Schwarz, M.; Hohner, C.; Mohr, S.; Libuda, J., Dissociative Adsorption of Benzoic Acid on Well-Ordered Cobalt Oxide Surfaces: Role of the Protons. J. Phys. Chem. C 2017, 121 (51), 28317-28327,
Schwarz, M.; Bachmann, P.; Silva, T. N.; Mohr, S.; Scheuermeyer, M.; Spath, F.; Bauer, U.; Dull, F.; Steinhauer, J.; Hohner, C.; Dopper, T.; Noei, H.; Stierle, A.; Papp, C.; Steinruck, H. P.; Wasserscheid, P.; Gorling, A.; Libuda, J., Model Catalytic Studies of Novel Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carriers: Indole, Indoline and Octahydroindole on Pt(111). Chemistry 2017, 23 (59), 14806-14818,
Neitzel, A.; Kovacs, G.; Lykhach, Y.; Kozlov, S. M.; Tsud, N.; Skala, T.; Vorokhta, M.; Matolin, V.; Neyman, K. M.; Libuda, J., Atomic Ordering and Sn Segregation in Pt-Sn Nanoalloys Supported on CeO2 Thin Films. Top. Catal. 2017, 60 (6-7), 522-532,
Mohr, S.; Schmitt, T.; Dopper, T.; Xiang, F.; Schwarz, M.; Gorling, A.; Schneider, M. A.; Libuda, J., Coverage-Dependent Anchoring of 4,4′-Biphenyl Dicarboxylic Acid to CoO(111) Thin Films. Langmuir 2017, 33 (17), 4178-4188,
Lykhach, Y.; Figueroba, A.; Skala, T.; Duchon, T.; Tsud, N.; Aulicka, M.; Neitzel, A.; Veltruska, K.; Prince, K. C.; Matolin, V.; Neyman, K. M.; Libuda, J., Redox-mediated conversion of atomically dispersed platinum to sub-nanometer particles. J. Mater. Chem. A 2017, 5 (19), 9250-9261,
Lykhach, Y.; Bruix, A.; Fabris, S.; Potin, V.; Matolinova, I.; Matolin, V.; Libuda, J.; Neyman, K. M., Oxide-based nanomaterials for fuel cell catalysis: the interplay between supported single Pt atoms and particles. Catal. Sci. Technol. 2017, 7 (19), 4315-4345,
Kaftan, A.; Kusche, M.; Laurin, M.; Wasserscheid, P.; Libuda, J., KOH-promoted Pt/Al2O3 catalysts for water gas shift and methanol steam reforming: An operando DRIFTS-MS study. Appl. Catal. B-Environ. 2017, 201, 169-181,
Kaftan, A.; Klefer, H.; Haumann, M.; Laurin, M.; Wasserscheid, P.; Libuda, J., An operando DRIFTS-MS study of NH3 removal by supported ionic liquid phase (SILP) materials. Sep. Purif. Technol. 2017, 174, 245-250,
Fan, P.; Xing, S. Y.; Wang, J. Y.; Fu, J. Y.; Yang, L. M.; Yang, G. X.; Miao, C. L.; Lv, P. M., Sulfonated imidazolium ionic liquid-catalyzed transesterification for biodiesel synthesis. Fuel 2017, 188, 483-488,
Brummel, O.; Waidhas, F.; Khalakhan, I.; Vorokhta, M.; Dubau, M.; Kovacs, G.; Aleksandrov, H. A.; Neyman, K. M.; Matolin, V.; Libuda, J., Structural transformations and adsorption properties of PtNi nanoalloy thin film electrocatalysts prepared by magnetron co-sputtering. Electrochim. Acta 2017, 251, 427-441,
Brummel, O.; Waidhas, F.; Bauer, U.; Wu, Y.; Bochmann, S.; Steinruck, H. P.; Papp, C.; Bachmann, J.; Libuda, J., Photochemical Energy Storage and Electrochemically Triggered Energy Release in the Norbornadiene-Quadricyclane System: UV Photochemistry and IR Spectroelectrochemistry in a Combined Experiment. J Phys Chem Lett 2017, 8 (13), 2819-2825,
Bauer, U.; Mohr, S.; Dopper, T.; Bachmann, P.; Spath, F.; Dull, F.; Schwarz, M.; Brummel, O.; Fromm, L.; Pinkert, U.; Gorling, A.; Hirsch, A.; Bachmann, J.; Steinruck, H. P.; Libuda, J.; Papp, C., Catalytically Triggered Energy Release from Strained Organic Molecules: The Surface Chemistry of Quadricyclane and Norbornadiene on Pt(111). Chemistry 2017, 23 (7), 1613-1622,
Bauer, T.; Voggenreiter, M.; Xu, T.; Wahler, T.; Agel, F.; Pohako-Esko, K.; Schulz, P.; Dopper, T.; Gorling, A.; Polarz, S.; Wasserscheid, P.; Libuda, J., ZnO Nanoparticle Formation from the Molecular Precursor [MeZnOtBu](4) by Ozone Treatment in Ionic Liquids: in-situ Vibrational Spectroscopy in an Ultrahigh Vacuum Environment. Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 2017, 643 (1), 31-40,
Bauer, T.; Hager, V.; Williams, M. B.; Laurin, M.; Dopper, T.; Gorling, A.; Szesni, N.; Wasserscheid, P.; Haumann, M.; Libuda, J., Palladium-Mediated Ethylation of the Imidazolium Cation Monitored In Operando on a Solid Catalyst with Ionic Liquid Layer. ChemCatChem 2017, 9 (1), 109-113,
Xu, T.; Schwarz, M.; Werner, K.; Mohr, S.; Amende, M.; Libuda, J., The surface structure matters: thermal stability of phthalic acid anchored to atomically-defined cobalt oxide films. Phys Chem Chem Phys 2016, 18 (15), 10419-27,
Xu, T.; Schwarz, M.; Werner, K.; Mohr, S.; Amende, M.; Libuda, J., Structure-Dependent Anchoring of Organic Molecules to Atomically Defined Oxide Surfaces: Phthalic Acid on Co3O4(111), CoO(100), and CoO(111). Chemistry 2016, 22 (15), 5384-96,
Werner, K.; Mohr, S.; Schwarz, M.; Xu, T.; Amende, M.; Dopper, T.; Gorling, A.; Libuda, J., Functionalized Porphyrins on an Atomically Defined Oxide Surface: Anchoring and Coverage-Dependent Reorientation of MCTPP on Co3O4(111). J Phys Chem Lett 2016, 7 (3), 555-60,
Schneider, J.; Kollhoff, F.; Schindler, T.; Bichlmaier, S.; Bernardi, J.; Unruh, T.; Libuda, J.; Berger, T.; Diwald, O., Adsorption, Ordering, and Metalation of Porphyrins on MgO Nanocube Surfaces: The Directional Role of Carboxylic Anchoring Groups. J. Phys. Chem. C 2016, 120 (47), 26879-26888,
Neitzel, A.; Kovacs, G.; Lykhach, Y.; Tsud, N.; Kozlov, S. M.; Skala, T.; Vorokhta, M.; Matolin, V.; Neyman, K. M.; Libuda, J., Steering the formation of supported Pt-Sn nanoalloys by reactive metal-oxide interaction. Rsc Advances 2016, 6 (89), 85688-85697,
Neitzel, A.; Johanek, V.; Lykhach, Y.; Skala, T.; Tsud, N.; Vorokhta, M.; Matolin, V.; Libuda, J., Reduction of Pt2+ species in model Pt-CeO2 fuel cell catalysts upon reaction with methanol. Appl. Surf. Sci. 2016, 387, 674-681,
Neitzel, A.; Figueroba, A.; Lykhach, Y.; Skala, T.; Vorokhta, M.; Tsud, N.; Mehl, S.; Sevcikova, K.; Prince, K. C.; Neyman, K. M.; Matolin, V.; Libuda, J., Atomically Dispersed Pd, Ni, and Pt Species in Ceria-Based Catalysts: Principal Differences in Stability and Reactivity. J. Phys. Chem. C 2016, 120 (18), 9852-9862,
Mohr, S.; Doepper, T.; Xu, T.; Tariq, Q.; Lytken, O.; Laurin, M.; Steinruck, H. P.; Goerling, A.; Libuda, J., Organic linkers on oxide surfaces: Adsorption and chemical bonding of phthalic anhydride on MgO(100). Surf. Sci. 2016, 646, 90-100,
Mehl, S.; Bauer, T.; Brummel, O.; Pohako-Esko, K.; Schulz, P.; Wasserscheid, P.; Libuda, J., Ionic-Liquid-Modified Hybrid Materials Prepared by Physical Vapor Codeposition: Cobalt and Cobalt Oxide Nanoparticles in [C1C2Im][OTf] Monitored by In Situ IR Spectroscopy. Langmuir 2016, 32 (34), 8613-22,
Lykhach, Y.; Kozlov, S. M.; Skala, T.; Tovt, A.; Stetsovych, V.; Tsud, N.; Dvorak, F.; Johanek, V.; Neitzel, A.; Myslivecek, J.; Fabris, S.; Matolin, V.; Neyman, K. M.; Libuda, J., Counting electrons on supported nanoparticles. Nat Mater 2016, 15 (3), 284-8,
Lykhach, Y.; Figueroba, A.; Camellone, M. F.; Neitzel, A.; Skala, T.; Negreiros, F. R.; Vorokhta, M.; Tsud, N.; Prince, K. C.; Fabris, S.; Neyman, K. M.; Matolin, V.; Libuda, J., Reactivity of atomically dispersed Pt(2+) species towards H2: model Pt-CeO2 fuel cell catalyst. Phys Chem Chem Phys 2016, 18 (11), 7672-9,
Kaftan, A.; Kollhoff, F.; Nguyen, T. S.; Piccolo, L.; Laurina, M.; Libuda, J., Sensitivity of CO oxidation toward metal oxidation state in ceria-supported catalysts: an operando DRIFTS-MS study. Catal. Sci. Technol. 2016, 6 (3), 818-828,
Brummel, O.; Waidhas, F.; Faisal, F.; Fiala, R.; Vorokhta, M.; Khalakhan, I.; Dubau, M.; Figueroba, A.; Kovacs, G.; Aleksandrov, H. A.; Vayssilov, G. N.; Kozlov, S. M.; Neyman, K. M.; Matolin, V.; Libuda, J., Stabilization of Small Platinum Nanoparticles on Pt-CeO2 Thin Film Electrocatalysts During Methanol Oxidation. J. Phys. Chem. C 2016, 120 (35), 19723-19736,
Brummel, O.; Faisal, F.; Bauer, T.; Pohako-Esko, K.; Wasserscheid, P.; Libuda, J., Ionic Liquid-Modified Electrocatalysts: The Interaction of [C(1)C(2)Im] [OTf] with Pt(111) and its Influence on Methanol Oxidation Studied by Electrothemical IR Spectroscopy. Electrochim. Acta 2016, 188, 825-836,
Brummel, O.; Besold, D.; Dopper, T.; Wu, Y.; Bochmann, S.; Lazzari, F.; Waidhas, F.; Bauer, U.; Bachmann, P.; Papp, C.; Steinruck, H. P.; Gorling, A.; Libuda, J.; Bachmann, J., Energy Storage in Strained Organic Molecules: (Spectro)Electrochemical Characterization of Norbornadiene and Quadricyclane. ChemSusChem 2016, 9 (12), 1424-32,
Bauer, T.; Mehl, S.; Brummel, O.; Pohako-Esko, K.; Wasserscheid, P.; Libuda, J., Ligand Effects at Ionic Liquid-Modified Interfaces: Coadsorption of [C(2)C(1)lm][OTf] and CO on Pd(111). J. Phys. Chem. C 2016, 120 (8), 4453-4465,
Amende, M.; Kaftan, A.; Bachmann, P.; Brehmer, R.; Preuster, P.; Koch, M.; Wasserscheid, P.; Libuda, J., Regeneration of LOHC dehydrogenation catalysts: In-situ IR spectroscopy on single crystals, model catalysts, and real catalysts from UHV to near ambient pressure. Appl. Surf. Sci. 2016, 360, 671-683,
Amende, M.; Gleichweit, C.; Xu, T.; Hofert, O.; Koch, M.; Wasserscheid, P.; Steinruck, H. P.; Papp, C.; Libuda, J., Dicyclohexylmethane as a Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carrier: A Model Study on the Dehydrogenation Mechanism over Pd(111). Catal. Lett. 2016, 146 (4), 851-860,
Xu, T.; Mohr, S.; Amende, M.; Laurin, M.; Dopper, T.; Gorling, A.; Libuda, J., Benzoic Acid and Phthalic Acid on Atomically Well-Defined MgO(100) Thin Films: Adsorption, Interface Reaction, and Thin Film Growth. J. Phys. Chem. C 2015, 119 (48), 26968-26979,
Schneider, J.; Kollhoff, F.; Bernardi, J.; Kaftan, A.; Libuda, J.; Berger, T.; Laurin, M.; Diwald, O., Porphyrin Metalation at the MgO Nanocube/Toluene Interface. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 2015, 7 (41), 22962-9,
Neitzel, A.; Lykhach, Y.; Johanek, V.; Tsud, N.; Skala, T.; Prince, K. C.; Matolin, V.; Libuda, J., Decomposition of Acetic Acid on Model Pt/CeO2 Catalysts: The Effect of Surface Crowding. J. Phys. Chem. C 2015, 119 (24), 13721-13734,
Mohr, S.; Xu, T.; Dopper, T.; Laurin, M.; Gorling, A.; Libuda, J., Molecular Orientation and Structural Transformations in Phthalic Anhydride Thin Films on MgO(100)/Ag(100). Langmuir 2015, 31 (28), 7806-14,
Mehl, S.; Toghan, A.; Bauer, T.; Brummel, O.; Taccardi, N.; Wasserscheid, P.; Libuda, J., Pd Nanoparticle Formation in Ionic Liquid Thin Films Monitored by in situ Vibrational Spectroscopy. Langmuir 2015, 31 (44), 12126-39,
Mehl, S.; Ferstl, P.; Schuler, M.; Toghan, A.; Brummel, O.; Hammer, L.; Schneider, M. A.; Libuda, J., Thermal evolution of cobalt deposits on Co3O4(111): atomically dispersed cobalt, two-dimensional CoO islands, and metallic Co nanoparticles. Phys Chem Chem Phys 2015, 17 (36), 23538-46,
Kaftan, A.; Schonweiz, A.; Nikiforidis, I.; Hieringer, W.; Dyballa, K. M.; Franke, R.; Gorling, A.; Libuda, J.; Wasserscheid, P.; Laurin, M.; Haumann, M., Supported homogeneous catalyst makes its own liquid phase. J. Catal. 2015, 321, 32-38,
Gleichweit, C.; Amende, M.; Hofert, O.; Xu, T.; Spath, F.; Bruckner, N.; Wasserscheid, P.; Libuda, J.; Steinruck, H. P.; Papp, C., Surface Reactions of Dicyclohexylmethane on Pt(111). J. Phys. Chem. C 2015, 119 (35), 20299-20311,
Ferstl, P.; Mehl, S.; Arman, M. A.; Schuler, M.; Toghan, A.; Laszlo, B.; Lykhach, Y.; Brummel, O.; Lundgren, E.; Knudsen, J.; Hammer, L.; Schneider, M. A.; Libuda, J., Adsorption and Activation of CO on Co3O4(111) Thin Films. J. Phys. Chem. C 2015, 119 (29), 16688-16699,
Faisal, F.; Toghan, A.; Khalakhan, I.; Vorokhta, M.; Matolin, V.; Libuda, J., Characterization of thin CeO2 films electrochemically deposited on HOPG. Appl. Surf. Sci. 2015, 350, 142-148,
Schernich, S.; Wagner, V.; Taccardi, N.; Wasserscheid, P.; Laurin, M.; Libuda, J., Interface controls spontaneous crystallization in thin films of the ionic liquid [C(2)C(1)Im][OTf] on atomically clean Pd(111). Langmuir 2014, 30 (23), 6846-51,
Schernich, S.; Kostyshyn, D.; Wagner, V.; Taccardi, N.; Laurin, M.; Wasserscheid, P.; Libuda, J., Interactions Between the Room-Temperature Ionic Liquid [C(2)C(1)Im][OTf] and Pd(111), Well-Ordered Al2O3, and Supported Pd Model Catalysts from IR Spectroscopy. J. Phys. Chem. C 2014, 118 (6), 3188-3193,
Rockert, M.; Franke, M.; Tariq, Q.; Lungerich, D.; Jux, N.; Stark, M.; Kaftan, A.; Ditze, S.; Marbach, H.; Laurin, M.; Libuda, J.; Steinruck, H. P.; Lytken, O., Insights in Reaction Mechanistics: Isotopic Exchange during the Metalation of Deuterated Tetraphenyl-21,23D-porphyrin on Cu(111). J. Phys. Chem. C 2014, 118 (46), 26729-26736,
Papp, C.; Wasserscheid, P.; Libuda, J.; Steinruck, H. P., Liquid organic hydrogen carriers: surface science studies of carbazole derivatives. Chem Rec 2014, 14 (5), 879-96,
Neitzel, A.; Lykhach, Y.; Skala, T.; Tsud, N.; Vorokhta, M.; Mazur, D.; Prince, K. C.; Matolin, V.; Libuda, J., Surface sites on Pt-CeO2 mixed oxide catalysts probed by CO adsorption: a synchrotron radiation photoelectron spectroscopy study. Phys Chem Chem Phys 2014, 16 (45), 24747-54,
Neitzel, A.; Lykhach, Y.; Skala, T.; Tsud, N.; Johanek, V.; Vorokhta, M.; Prince, K. C.; Matolin, V.; Libuda, J., Hydrogen activation on Pt-Sn nanoalloys supported on mixed Sn-Ce oxide films. Phys Chem Chem Phys 2014, 16 (26), 13209-19,
Neitzel, A.; Lykhach, Y.; Johanek, V.; Tsud, N.; Skala, T.; Prince, K. C.; Matolin, V.; Libuda, J., Role of Oxygen in Acetic Acid Decomposition on Pt(111). J. Phys. Chem. C 2014, 118 (26), 14316-14325,
Lykhach, Y.; Neitzel, A.; Sevcikova, K.; Johanek, V.; Tsud, N.; Skala, T.; Prince, K. C.; Matolin, V.; Libuda, J., The mechanism of hydrocarbon oxygenate reforming: C-C bond scission, carbon formation, and noble-metal-free oxide catalysts. ChemSusChem 2014, 7 (1), 77-81,
Kusche, M.; Agel, F.; Ni Bhriain, N.; Kaftan, A.; Laurin, M.; Libuda, J.; Wasserscheid, P., Methanol steam reforming promoted by molten salt-modified platinum on alumina catalysts. ChemSusChem 2014, 7 (9), 2516-26,
Gleichweit, C.; Amende, M.; Bauer, U.; Schernich, S.; Hofert, O.; Lorenz, M. P.; Zhao, W.; Muller, M.; Koch, M.; Bachmann, P.; Wasserscheid, P.; Libuda, J.; Steinruck, H. P.; Papp, C., Alkyl chain length-dependent surface reaction of dodecahydro-N-alkylcarbazoles on Pt model catalysts. J Chem Phys 2014, 140 (20), 204711,
Bruix, A.; Lykhach, Y.; Matolinova, I.; Neitzel, A.; Skala, T.; Tsud, N.; Vorokhta, M.; Stetsovych, V.; Sevcikova, K.; Myslivecek, J.; Fiala, R.; Vaclavu, M.; Prince, K. C.; Bruyere, S.; Potin, V.; Illas, F.; Matolin, V.; Libuda, J.; Neyman, K. M., Maximum noble-metal efficiency in catalytic materials: atomically dispersed surface platinum. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2014, 53 (39), 10525-30,
Amende, M.; Gleichweit, C.; Werner, K.; Schernich, S.; Zhao, W.; Lorenz, M. P.; Hofert, O.; Papp, C.; Koch, M.; Wasserscheid, P.; Laurin, M.; Steinruck, H. P.; Libuda, J., Model Catalytic Studies of Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carriers: Dehydrogenation and Decomposition Mechanisms of Dodecahydro-N-ethylcarbazole on Pt(111). ACS Catal 2014, 4 (2), 657-665,
Amende, M.; Gleichweit, C.; Schernich, S.; Hofert, O.; Lorenz, M. P.; Zhao, W.; Koch, M.; Obesser, K.; Papp, C.; Wasserscheid, P.; Steinruck, H. P.; Libuda, J., Size and Structure Effects Controlling the Stability of the Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carrier Dodecahydro-N-ethylcarbazole during Dehydrogenation over Pt Model Catalysts. J Phys Chem Lett 2014, 5 (8), 1498-504,
Stetsovych, V.; Pagliuca, F.; Dvorak, F.; Duchon, T.; Vorokhta, M.; Aulicka, M.; Lachnitt, J.; Schernich, S.; Matolinova, I.; Veltruska, K.; Skala, T.; Mazur, D.; Myslivecek, J.; Libuda, J.; Matolin, V., Epitaxial Cubic Ce2O3 Films via Ce-CeO2 Interfacial Reaction. J Phys Chem Lett 2013, 4 (6), 866-71,
Schernich, S.; Laurin, M.; Lykhach, Y.; Tsud, N.; Sobota, M.; Skala, T.; Prince, K. C.; Taccardi, N.; Wagner, V.; Steinruck, H. P.; Matolin, V.; Wasserscheid, P.; Libuda, J., Interactions of imidazolium-based ionic liquids with oxide surfaces controlled by alkyl chain functionalization. ChemPhysChem 2013, 14 (16), 3673-7,
Schernich, S.; Laurin, M.; Lykhach, Y.; Steinruck, H. P.; Tsud, N.; Skala, T.; Prince, K. C.; Taccardi, N.; Matolin, V.; Wasserscheid, P.; Libuda, J., Functionalization of Oxide Surfaces through Reaction with 1,3-Dialkylimidazolium Ionic Liquids. J Phys Chem Lett 2013, 4 (1), 30-5,
Óvári, L.; Krick Calderon, S.; Lykhach, Y.; Libuda, J.; Erdőhelyi, A.; Papp, C.; Kiss, J.; Steinrück, H. P., Near ambient pressure XPS investigation of the interaction of ethanol with Co/CeO2(111). J. Catal. 2013, 307, 132-139,
Lykhach, Y.; Happel, M.; Johanek, V.; Skala, T.; Kollhoff, F.; Tsud, N.; Dvorak, F.; Prince, K. C.; Matolin, V.; Libuda, J., Adsorption and Decomposition of Formic Acid on Model Ceria and Pt/Ceria Catalysts. J. Phys. Chem. C 2013, 117 (24), 12483-12494,
Kusche, M.; Enzenberger, F.; Bajus, S.; Niedermeyer, H.; Bosmann, A.; Kaftan, A.; Laurin, M.; Libuda, J.; Wasserscheid, P., Enhanced activity and selectivity in catalytic methanol steam reforming by basic alkali metal salt coatings. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2013, 52 (19), 5028-32,
Gleichweit, C.; Amende, M.; Schernich, S.; Zhao, W.; Lorenz, M. P.; Hofert, O.; Bruckner, N.; Wasserscheid, P.; Libuda, J.; Steinruck, H. P.; Papp, C., Dehydrogenation of dodecahydro-N-ethylcarbazole on Pt(111). ChemSusChem 2013, 6 (6), 974-7,
Fouladvand, S.; Schernich, S.; Libuda, J.; Gronbeck, H.; Pingel, T.; Olsson, E.; Skoglundh, M.; Carlsson, P. A., Methane Oxidation Over Pd Supported on Ceria-Alumina Under Rich/Lean Cycling Conditions. Top. Catal. 2013, 56 (1-8), 410-415,
Amende, M.; Schernich, S.; Sobota, M.; Nikiforidis, I.; Hieringer, W.; Assenbaum, D.; Gleichweit, C.; Drescher, H. J.; Papp, C.; Steinruck, H. P.; Gorling, A.; Wasserscheid, P.; Laurin, M.; Libuda, J., Dehydrogenation mechanism of liquid organic hydrogen carriers: dodecahydro-N-ethylcarbazole on Pd(111). Chemistry 2013, 19 (33), 10854-65,
Wang, X. J.; Sobota, M.; Kohler, F. T. U.; Morain, B.; Melcher, B. U.; Laurin, M.; Wasserscheid, P.; Libuda, J.; Meyer, K., Functional nickel complexes of N-heterocyclic carbene ligands in pre-organized and supported thin film materials. J. Mater. Chem. 2012, 22 (5), 1893-1898,
Sobota, M.; Schernich, S.; Schulz, H.; Hieringer, W.; Paape, N.; Wasserscheid, P.; Gorling, A.; Laurin, M.; Libuda, J., Preparation and characterization of ultrathin [Ru(CO)3Cl2]2 and [BMIM][Tf2N] films on Al2O3/NiAl(110) under UHV conditions. Phys Chem Chem Phys 2012, 14 (30), 10603-12,
Nolan, M.; Lykhach, Y.; Tsud, N.; Skala, T.; Staudt, T.; Prince, K. C.; Matolin, V.; Libuda, J., On the interaction of Mg with the (111) and (110) surfaces of ceria. Phys Chem Chem Phys 2012, 14 (3), 1293-301,
Lykhach, Y.; Staudt, T.; Vorokhta, M.; Skala, T.; Johanek, V.; Prince, K. C.; Matolin, V.; Libuda, J., Hydrogen spillover monitored by resonant photoemission spectroscopy. J. Catal. 2012, 285 (1), 6-9,
Lykhach, Y.; Johanek, V.; Aleksandrov, H. A.; Kozlov, S. M.; Happel, M.; Skala, T.; St Petkov, P.; Tsud, N.; Vayssilov, G. N.; Prince, K. C.; Neyman, K. M.; Matolin, V.; Libuda, J., Water Chemistry on Model Ceria and Pt/Ceria Catalysts. J. Phys. Chem. C 2012, 116 (22), 12103-12113,
Happel, M.; Myslivecek, J.; Johanek, V.; Dvorak, F.; Stetsovych, O.; Lykhach, Y.; Matolin, V.; Libuda, J., Adsorption sites, metal-support interactions, and oxygen spillover identified by vibrational spectroscopy of adsorbed CO: A model study on Pt/ceria catalysts. J. Catal. 2012, 289, 118-126,
Happel, M.; Lykhach, Y.; Tsud, N.; Skala, T.; Johanek, V.; Prince, K. C.; Matolin, V.; Libuda, J., SO2 Decomposition on Pt/CeO2(111) Model Catalysts: On the Reaction Mechanism and the Influence of H-2 and CO. J. Phys. Chem. C 2012, 116 (20), 10959-10967,
Vayssilov, G. N.; Lykhach, Y.; Migani, A.; Staudt, T.; Petrova, G. P.; Tsud, N.; Skala, T.; Bruix, A.; Illas, F.; Prince, K. C.; Matolin, V.; Neyman, K. M.; Libuda, J., Support nanostructure boosts oxygen transfer to catalytically active platinum nanoparticles. Nat Mater 2011, 10 (4), 310-5,
Steinruck, H. P.; Libuda, J.; Wasserscheid, P.; Cremer, T.; Kolbeck, C.; Laurin, M.; Maier, F.; Sobota, M.; Schulz, P. S.; Stark, M., Surface science and model catalysis with ionic liquid-modified materials. Adv Mater 2011, 23 (22-23), 2571-87,
Staudt, T.; Lykhach, Y.; Tsud, N.; Skala, T.; Prince, K. C.; Matolin, V.; Libuda, J., Electronic Structure of Magnesia-Ceria Model Catalysts, CO2 Adsorption, and CO2 Activation: A Synchrotron Radiation Photoelectron Spectroscopy Study. J. Phys. Chem. C 2011, 115 (17), 8716-8724,
Sobota, M.; Nikiforidis, I.; Amende, M.; Sanmartin Zanon, B.; Staudt, T.; Hofert, O.; Lykhach, Y.; Papp, C.; Hieringer, W.; Laurin, M.; Assenbaum, D.; Wasserscheid, P.; Steinruck, H. P.; Gorling, A.; Libuda, J., Dehydrogenation of dodecahydro-N-ethylcarbazole on Pd/Al2O3 model catalysts. Chemistry 2011, 17 (41), 11542-52,
Sobota, M.; Happel, M.; Amende, M.; Paape, N.; Wasserscheid, P.; Laurin, M.; Libuda, J., Ligand effects in SCILL model systems: site-specific interactions with Pt and Pd nanoparticles. Adv Mater 2011, 23 (22-23), 2617-21,
Lykhach, Y.; Staudt, T.; Tsud, N.; Skala, T.; Prince, K. C.; Matolin, V.; Libuda, J., Enhanced reactivity of Pt nanoparticles supported on ceria thin films during ethylene dehydrogenation. Phys Chem Chem Phys 2011, 13 (1), 253-61,
Kohler, F. T.; Morain, B.; Weiss, A.; Laurin, M.; Libuda, J.; Wagner, V.; Melcher, B. U.; Wang, X.; Meyer, K.; Wasserscheid, P., Surface-functionalized ionic liquid crystal-supported ionic liquid phase materials: ionic liquid crystals in mesopores. ChemPhysChem 2011, 12 (18), 3539-46,
Happel, M.; Lykhach, Y.; Tsud, N.; Skala, T.; Prince, K. C.; Matolin, V.; Libuda, J., Mechanism of Sulfur Poisoning and Storage: Adsorption and Reaction of SO2 with Stoichiometric and Reduced Ceria Films on Cu(111). J. Phys. Chem. C 2011, 115 (40), 19872-19882,
Happel, M.; Luckas, N.; Vines, F.; Sobota, M.; Laurin, M.; Gorling, A.; Libuda, J., SO2 Adsorption on Pt(111) and Oxygen Precovered Pt(111): A Combined Infrared Reflection Absorption Spectroscopy and Density Functional Study. J. Phys. Chem. C 2011, 115 (2), 479-491,
Bruix, A.; Migani, A.; Vayssilov, G. N.; Neyman, K. M.; Libuda, J.; Illas, F., Effects of deposited Pt particles on the reducibility of CeO2(111). Phys Chem Chem Phys 2011, 13 (23), 11384-92,
Vines, F.; Lykhach, Y.; Staudt, T.; Lorenz, M. P.; Papp, C.; Steinruck, H. P.; Libuda, J.; Neyman, K. M.; Gorling, A., Methane activation by platinum: critical role of edge and corner sites of metal nanoparticles. Chemistry 2010, 16 (22), 6530-9,
Staudt, T.; Lykhach, Y.; Tsud, N.; Skala, T.; Prince, K. C.; Matolin, V.; Libuda, J., Ceria reoxidation by CO2: A model study. J. Catal. 2010, 275 (1), 181-185,
Sobota, M.; Wang, X.; Fekete, M.; Happel, M.; Meyer, K.; Wasserscheid, P.; Laurin, M.; Libuda, J., Ordering and phase transitions in ionic liquid-crystalline films. ChemPhysChem 2010, 11 (8), 1632-6,
Sobota, M.; Schmid, M.; Happel, M.; Amende, M.; Maier, F.; Steinruck, H. P.; Paape, N.; Wasserscheid, P.; Laurin, M.; Gottfried, J. M.; Libuda, J., Ionic liquid based model catalysis: interaction of [BMIM][Tf2N] with Pd nanoparticles supported on an ordered alumina film. Phys Chem Chem Phys 2010, 12 (35), 10610-21,
Sobota, M.; Nikiforidis, I.; Hieringer, W.; Paape, N.; Happel, M.; Steinruck, H. P.; Gorling, A.; Wasserscheid, P.; Laurin, M.; Libuda, J., Toward ionic-liquid-based model catalysis: growth, orientation, conformation, and interaction mechanism of the [Tf2N]- anion in [BMIM][Tf2N] thin films on a well-ordered alumina surface. Langmuir 2010, 26 (10), 7199-207,
Lykhach, Y.; Staudt, T.; Streber, R.; Lorenz, M. P.; Bayer, A.; Steinruck, H. P.; Libuda, J., CO2 activation on single crystal based ceria and magnesia/ceria model catalysts. Eur. Phys. J. B 2010, 75 (1), 89-100,
Lykhach, Y.; Staudt, T.; Lorenz, M. P.; Streber, R.; Bayer, A.; Steinruck, H. P.; Libuda, J., Microscopic insights into methane activation and related processes on Pt/ceria model catalysts. ChemPhysChem 2010, 11 (7), 1496-504,
Luckas, N.; Vines, F.; Happel, M.; Desikusumastuti, A.; Libuda, J.; Gorling, A., Density Functional Calculations and IR Reflection Absorption Spectroscopy on the Interaction of SO2 with Oxide-Supported Pd Nanoparticles. J. Phys. Chem. C 2010, 114 (32), 13813-13824,
Honciuc, A.; Laurin, M.; Albu, S.; Sobota, M.; Schmuki, P.; Libuda, J., Controlling the adsorption kinetics via nanostructuring: Pd nanoparticles on TiO2 nanotubes. Langmuir 2010, 26 (17), 14014-23,
Honciuc, A.; Laurin, M.; Albu, S.; Amende, M.; Sobota, M.; Lynch, R.; Schmuki, P.; Libuda, J., Preparation and Adsorption Properties of Pd Nanoparticles Supported on TiO2 Nanotubes. J. Phys. Chem. C 2010, 114 (47), 20146-20154,
Happel, M.; Desikusumastuti, A.; Sobota, M.; Laurin, M.; Libuda, J., Impact of Sulfur Poisoning on the NOx Uptake of a NOx Storage and Reduction (NSR) Model Catalyst. J. Phys. Chem. C 2010, 114 (10), 4568-4575,
Staudt, T.; Lykhach, Y.; Hammer, L.; Schneider, M. A.; Matolin, V.; Libuda, J., A route to continuous ultra-thin cerium oxide films on Cu(111). Surf. Sci. 2009, 603 (23), 3382-3388,
Happel, M.; Kylhammar, L.; Carlsson, P. A.; Libuda, J.; Gronbeck, H.; Skoglundh, M., SOx storage and release kinetics for ceria-supported platinum. Appl. Catal. B-Environ. 2009, 91 (3-4), 679-682,
Desikusumastuti, A.; Schernich, S.; Happel, M.; Sobota, M.; Laurin, M.; Libuda, J., Model NOx Storage Materials at Realistic NO2 Pressures. ChemCatChem 2009, 1 (2), 318-325,
Desikusumastuti, A.; Qin, Z.; Staudt, T.; Happel, M.; Lykhach, Y.; Laurin, M.; Shaikhutdinov, S.; Libuda, J., Controlling metal/oxide interactions in bifunctional nanostructured model catalysts: Pd and BaO on Al2O3/NiAl(110). Surf. Sci. 2009, 603 (1), L9-L13,
Desikusumastuti, A.; Qin, Z.; Happel, M.; Staudt, T.; Lykhach, Y.; Laurin, M.; Rohr, F.; Shaikhutdinov, S.; Libuda, J., Nitrite and nitrate formation on model NOx storage materials: on the influence of particle size and composition. Phys Chem Chem Phys 2009, 11 (14), 2514-24,
Desikusumastuti, A.; Happel, M.; Qin, Z.; Staudt, T.; Lykhach, Y.; Laurin, M.; Shaikhutdinov, S.; Rohr, F.; Libuda, J., Particle-Size-Dependent Interaction of NO2 with Pd Nanoparticles Supported on Model NOx Storage Materials. J. Phys. Chem. C 2009, 113 (22), 9755-9764,
Brandt, B.; Ludwig, W.; Fischer, J. H.; Libuda, J.; Zaera, F.; Schauermann, S., Conversion of cis- and trans-2-butene with Deuterium on a Pd/Fe3O4 model catalyst. J. Catal. 2009, 265 (2), 191-198,
Vines, F.; Desikusumastuti, A.; Staudt, T.; Gorling, A.; Libuda, J.; Neyman, K. M., A Combined Density-Functional and IRAS Study on the Interaction of NO with Pd Nanoparticles: Identifying New Adsorption Sites with Novel Properties. J. Phys. Chem. C 2008, 112 (42), 16539-16549,
Steinruck, H. P.; Libuda, J.; King, D. A., Chemistry at surfaces. Chem Soc Rev 2008, 37 (10), 2153-4,
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Schauermann, S.; Brandt, B.; Fischer, J. H.; Ludwig, W.; Libuda, J.; Zaera, F.; Freund, H. J., COLL 215-Role of carbonaceous deposits in olefin conversions with hydrogen: cis-2-butene Isomerization vs. hydrogenation on the Pd/Fe3O4 model catalyst. Abstr. Pap. Am. Chem. Soc. 2008, 235, 1.
Desikusumastuti, A.; Staudt, T.; Qin, Z.; Happel, M.; Laurin, M.; Lykhach, Y.; Shaikhutdinov, S.; Rohr, F.; Libuda, J., Interaction of NO2 with model NSR catalysts: metal-oxide interaction controls initial NOx storage mechanism. ChemPhysChem 2008, 9 (15), 2191-7,
Desikusumastuti, A.; Staudt, T.; Happel, M.; Laurin, M.; Libuda, J., Adsorption and reaction of NO2 on ordered alumina films and mixed baria-alumina nanoparticles: Cooperative versus non-cooperative reaction mechanisms. J. Catal. 2008, 260 (2), 315-328,
Desikusumastuti, A.; Staudt, T.; Gronbeck, H.; Libuda, J., Identifying surface species by vibrational spectroscopy: Bridging vs monodentate nitrates. J. Catal. 2008, 255 (1), 127-133,
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Desikusumastuti, A.; Happel, M.; Dumbuya, K.; Staudt, T.; Laurin, M.; Gottfried, J. M.; Steinruck, H. P.; Libuda, J., Modeling NOx storage materials: On the formation of surface nitrites and nitrates and their identification by vibrational spectroscopy. J. Phys. Chem. C 2008, 112 (16), 6477-6486,
Brandt, B.; Fischer, J.-H.; Ludwig, W.; Libuda, J.; Zaera, F.; Schauermann, S.; Freund, H.-J., Isomerization and Hydrogenation ofcis-2-Butene on Pd Model Catalyst. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2008, 112 (30), 11408-11420,
Schalow, T.; Brandt, B.; Starr, D. E.; Laurin, M.; Shaikhutdinov, S. K.; Schauermann, S.; Libuda, J.; Freund, H. J., Particle size dependent adsorption and reaction kinetics on reduced and partially oxidized Pd nanoparticles. Phys Chem Chem Phys 2007, 9 (11), 1347-61,
Schalow, T.; Brandt, B.; Laurin, M.; Guimond, S.; Starr, D. E.; Shaikhutdinov, S. K.; Schauermann, S.; Libuda, J.; Freund, H. J., Formation and catalytic activity of partially oxidized Pd nanoparticles. Top. Catal. 2007, 42-43 (1-4), 387-391,
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Meyer, R.; Lahav, D.; Schalow, T.; Laurin, M.; Brandt, B.; Schauermann, S.; Guimond, S.; Kluner, T.; Kuhlenbeck, H.; Libuda, J.; Shaikhutdinov, S.; Freund, H. J., CO adsorption and thermal stability of Pd deposited on a thin FeO(111) film. Surf. Sci. 2005, 586 (1-3), 174-182,
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